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App Ideas for Local Impact

Some developers tell me I want to write an app but I cant think of anything to build. Well Hacker Helper is a wiki resource with some very good ideas for app that can have a local impact in your town, city, state. Check it out.

Hacker Helperhttps://hackerhelper.wikispaces.com/

Here are some examples of the Issues areas covered:

Food Waste, Childhood Hunger, Sustainable Food, Safe Public Spaces, Graffiti Clean-up, Voter Turnout, Childhood Mortality, Maternal Health, Diseases

With these ideas and these resources you should be well on your way to your next Windows Phone or Windows Store app.




Food Waste, Childhood Hunger, Sustainable Food, Safe Public Spaces, Graffiti Clean-up, Voter Turnout, Childhood Mortality, Maternal Health, Diseases