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The Greatest Personal Development Gifts

I’ve put together a comprehensive list of the best personal development gifts:

The Greatest Personal Development Gifts Ever

I wanted to put together a profound catalog of the best personal development programs that the world has ever known.   At Microsoft, I’ve been lucky enough to have amazing mentors over the years, and they have always shared with me the programs that they’ve used to really transform their lives.  

Success often seems like magic until you find out behind the scenes the price that people pay.

I’ve used many personal development programs over the years.  So many of them ended up being heavy on hype, but light on insight.  I’ve learned to seek out the programs that have profound knowledge that you can use to grow your capabilities and really change your game.   I’ve written about 3 personal development programs that give you an edge in work and life before, so this time, I wanted to go above and beyond, and really share the full scope of the most powerful personal development programs on the planet.

The Power of Programs Goes Well Beyond the Power of Books

While I was putting together The Greatest Personal Development Gifts Ever, I was a little sad to see that some of “the great ones” are no longer with us.  Even sadder was when I looked for personal development programs by people that I thought would have created some, it turned out, they didn’t actually create any.  It reminded me of the value of information products that goes well beyond books.  There is something to be said for a “program” of sorts where you give somebody a self-paced package to work through, to practice skills and turn insight into action.

It’s also a great reminder of how unique some people are, and how unique their gifts truly are.

And, it’s also a reminder how valuable “evergreen” life wisdom is.

Don’t Take Ancient Wisdom for Granted.  We’re Not “Entitled” To It.

The other thing I learned while trying to put together The Greatest Personal Development Gifts Ever is that it’s not always so easy to give somebody a boxed set of personal development multi-media gifts.  In some cases, some things just weren’t available anymore, unless somebody on eBay wants to part with their old cassette tapes Smile  It’s a reminder that as our form factors change, it’s actually possible to “lose” some ancient or timeless wisdom.  I didn’t realize how easy this is, until I was trying to put my hands on some old classics that I knew would help some people.

Have a System for Personal Transformation that Matches Your “Style”

The other big thing I reflected on while putting together The Greatest Personal Development Gifts Ever is how important it is to have a system for personal transformation.   And, while it’s true that all roads lead to the same town, some paths are way better than others.  But, the real key, as always, is that you have to find the system that works for you.  For me, I prefer hard-core or extreme insight and action.  If I’m going to invest, then I want the most powerful lessons and the most rapid results presented in a way where I can quickly test my results, make progress, get feedback, and change accordingly.

For others, they need a softer approach.   They need their journey to be more inspirational, or more emotional.   I take this into account when I give personal development gifts for the holidays.   I also took this into consideration while putting together The Greatest Personal Development Gifts Ever.   For example, if the person you are getting the gift for would prefer a “harder” style of personal development, then Tony Robbins is a great choice.  If, on the other hand, you know the person would prefer a “softer” style, then Brian Tracy or Jack Canfield would be great choices.

Sometimes We Need to Dig a Little Deeper to Get Unstuck

I also included a collection of self-hypnosis programs in my collection of The Greatest Personal Development Gifts Ever.  Here’s why:  It’s easy for people to get stuck.  Super easy.  It’s easy to fall into a trap of learned helplessness.  It’s easy to fall into a pit of despair when you are down and out.  It can be hard to bounce back.  You can think of self-hypnosis as a guided relaxation, but the reason I included it is because sometimes we are our own worst enemy.  Whether it’s our negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, or subconscious habits, we work against ourselves.   Self-hypnosis can help you get unstock by helping you refocus on who you want to be and what experiences you want to create, and get the power of your mind back on your side.

I hope my catalog of The Greatest Personal Development Gifts Ever helps you save a lot of time, avoid wasting money, and find the personal development programs that actually work, whether you’re looking to find gifts for someone else, or to add to your own personal development collection.