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Providence CMS Smackdown – Feb 1

For technologists today, there are often multiple choices of what platform to use, what tools, what editor, etc. – to the point of sometimes religious debates!  That’s why I love events like the one the Providence WordPress Meetup crew (Jake, Ken, Drew, and Sue) and the Providence Drupal Meetup are putting together for February 1st – a Content Management System (CMS) Smackdown!CMS Smackdown

OK, so not really a smackdown, more like a friendly discussion on the pros and cons of some popular content management systems. We’re joining forces with the Providence Drupal Meetup for both of our inaugural 2011 events to help you figure out which CMS makes sense for you!

The event will take the form of a panel involving passionate representatives of WordPress, Drupal, Joomla!, ExpressionEngine, and TYPO3, so discussion will be lively, and you’ll leave with some great insight into what differentiates these offerings – and make a few new friends in the process.   I am completely bummed I won’t be able to attend, due to another speaking engagement that night, but of course, you don’t have to miss out.   This will certainly be a popular event, and since McFadden’s has limited space, be sure to RSVP right away!