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New England Code Camp–Sweet Sixteen

Come to camp!It’s that time again, New England Code Camp will be held on October 29th, 2011 at the Microsoft Office on Jones Road in Waltham.  This is the sixteenth (or 10th in hex)  incarnation of the semi-annual event, which of course is free to attend.

Call for speakers is open now – as is registration – and it’s a great opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with the rest of the community, which after all is the fuel of Code Camp.   Everyone is a first-time speaker at some point, so consider making this your debut and submit an abstract!  Sessions are 75 minutes long and just need to have some type of technology-focused topic.  Check out the schedule from this past spring’s event for ideas, and if you want to bat a topic back and forth, feel free to drop me a line or contact Bob Goodearl, Speaker Coordinator, at codecampspeaker@bostondotnet.org.

New England Code Camp #16

October 29, 2011
8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

201 Jones Road, Suite 600
Waltham MA 02451