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MIX 11 - April 12-14, 2011, Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas


Oh, to be able to go this year. So many interesting sessions, I’d be a kid in a candy store. If any of you go and blog, please send me links.

In addition to the obligatory boot-camp sessions for HTML5 Canvas, jQuery, and the like, these are the MIX 11 sessions that I’d love to dive into:

image Good JavaScript Habits for C# Developers

It seems that far too many people come to jQuery thinking that their previous knowledge with object-oriented languages like C# or Java will help them be successful at client-side scripting. In many cases, you can be successful with this approach, however, the more JavaScript you write you will inevitably find yourself uncovering strange bugs because you didn't take time to learn JavaScript properly. This session is targeted for developers that use jQuery, but haven’t invested adequate time to learn some of the foundational JavaScript concepts that differ from C#. If you would like to avoid some of these common mistakes when bringing your existing expertise to JavaScript, then please join me as I try to explain some of the differences.


Audio for Kinect: From Idea to "Xbox, Play!"

The talk will cover the overall architecture and algorithmic building blocks of the Kinect device, especially the audio pipeline. We will present the opportunities it opens for building better human-machine interfaces, new user experiences, and other potential applications. No specialized signal processing background is required. The presenter is the creator of most of the audio algorithms in the Kinect pipeline.


A Whole NUI World: Microsoft Surface 2 and Windows TouchMicrosoft Surface 2

Heard about Microsoft Surface 2? In this presentation we will introduce you to the new Microsoft Surface Hardware and explain how you can write applications for it. By the end of the presentation you will have learned how to use the Microsoft Surface 2 SDK to write an application that bridges the physical world we live in to the virtual world on the Surface. We will also discuss what it takes to write an application that targets both Microsoft Surface Hardware and Windows Touch Enabled Devices. And of course, you will learn tricks of the trade, like how to write an application right away using the new Microsoft Surface Input Simulator. We will focus on WPF development, but anyone with an interest in Natural User Interfaces should be able to follow and enjoy the presentation.


Windows Azure Storage: Getting Started and Best Practices

Windows Azure Storage provides a scalable and reliable storage service in the cloud for blobs, tables, queues and drives. In this session we will quickly show you how to use storage through the REST-based programming model - whether your applications are running in Windows Azure or elsewhere. We will also share several best practices for optimizing Windows Azure Storage.


Building Business Centric Application in JavaScript

Building end-to-end data-intensive JavaScript applications has never been easier. In this session, we will talk about tools that let you focus on business logic, without having you worry about plumbing and infrastructure, making your development process more productive. Attendees will learn about the latest investments that are being made to simplify development of business-centric applications, bringing rich data and visualization to your jQuery client using WCF and WCF DomainServices.

Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS)

Nobody likes sluggish web interfaces that get stuck when interacting with servers and services. Asynchrony has become the way of life to enhance user experiences. The A in AJAX pinpoints this observation precisely. Moreover, the sheer amount of asynchronous data sources is overwhelming: stock tickers, Twitter quotes, RSS feeds, you name it. Unfortunately, the programmability story for each of those sources differs significantly, with little to no unification or compositionality. Got tired of writing cumbersome code with plenty of callbacks, tedious logic and tricky error handling? Enter the Reactive Extensions, a library to seamlessly compose all kinds of asynchronous “reactive” data streams using LINQ-style query operators, available for both .NET and JavaScript (RxJS). Come and learn how Rx will make your life as a web developer easier when dealing with the asynchronous reality of modern web programming.

5 Things You Need To Know To Start Using <video> and <audio> Today

Come along to this session to get an overview of the new video and audio tags from the HTML5 specification. Discover how to use them to play media in modern browsers and on mobile devices. Learn the most advanced techniques and best practices, including encoding optimizations, custom skinnable players, full screen workarounds, seeking settings and fallback scenarios for legacy browsers.


Data in an HTML5 World

Come and learn about ‘datajs’. datajs is a new cross-browser JavaScript library that enables better data-centric web application by leveraging HTML5 browser features and modern protocols such as OData. It's designed to be small, fast, and provide functionality for structured queries, data modification, and interaction with various cloud services, including Windows Azure.


Browser Power Meter shows HTML5 canvas in Internet Explorer 9 Deep Dive Into HTML5 <canvas>

If you’ve seen the demos for Internet Explorer 9’s hardware accelerated graphics, you are probably excited to learn the details of HTML5 Canvas. With all major browsers supporting HTML5 Canvas, a scriptable 2D drawing context, Canvas is quickly becoming the natural choice for graphics on the web. In this session, you will learn advanced Canvas concepts (including the origin-clean security and the Canvas Drawing Model), understand when to use Canvas versus SVG and get a deeper look at how the Internet Explorer team solved interoperability issues as we implemented the specification. You will learn to build HTML5 Canvas websites through best practices and lots of code samples.


The Future of HTML5

We love HTML5 so much that we want it to actually work – in an interoperable, predictable manner across all browsers. In this session you will learn the current status of HTML5 and the Open Web Platform and what will take to bring it to a Recommendation. You will also preview the next emerging standards and understand Microsoft implementation approach through prototypes. Finally ride the DeLorean at 88mph and discover some of the work being done by Microsoft with the W3C on what will lead into HTML6.

Technorati Tags: JavaScript,C#,cloud computing,Azure,Windows Phone,Kinect,HTML5,Internet Explorer