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Need SP2 for XP or SP3 for Office? Order the CD

I've avoided updating a few family computers, the ones that use dial-up. It just takes too long. And the longer I put it off, the more updates there are to download, and the easier it is to talk myself out of doing it at all.

My conscience has been bothering me. These people trust me. I needed to figure out some way to get all these updates installed.

Wouldn't it be nice, I thought, if I could just download everything I needed to a CD? So I searched. I was picturing a webpage that listed all the available hotfixes, patches, and service packs for an operating system, by date, linked to downloads. (One of the computers I keep updated cannot use Windows Update. Just doesn't work.)

I didn't find that webpage, but I did find webpages on which I could order CDs for Windows XP SP2 and Office XP SP3. Since each of these service packs includes previous hotfixes, etc., this would work for me.

The order page says to allow 4-6 weeks for shipping -- I received both CDs within a week of ordering.

Nov 30, update: This is the sort of thing I was looking for! But for XP...
