3 down, 2 to go
I passed exam 70-270! My weakest area was security, probably because that isn't something I play with in XP too often.
Next are exams 70-290 and 70-291 to complete my MCSA requirements.
Does a technical writer at Microsoft need a Microsoft technical certification? That question can open a lively debate. As a general rule, a technical writer needs a good foundation in the technology he or she is writing about. Even more important, I think, is the ability to learn new technologies rapidly and informally.
Achieving a Microsoft Certified Professional certification is a method to demonstrate that foundation. And in a way, it's part of "eating our own dogfood", being our own customer.
The past few years, there has been more emphasis from managers on increasing technical expertise in "non-technical" jobs such as writer, editor, instructional designer. A certification is a quantifiable metric...managers love those.
On the other hand, a key role of the technical writer is that of translator. For a look at the other side of the question, see my post last month, Can ignorance serve a purpose?