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Updates, Updates, how to do updates?!?



I get asked all the time - “John, it’s really painful to have to go to your sites and download a bunch of individual patches, in order to keep my toolkit installation up to date”. Well, Microsoft has listened, and today, we launched Windows Embedded Developer Update (WEDU) for Windows Embedded Standard 7!

At the heart, it’s an automatic servicing mechanism for your Developer toolkits. (much like some of our other products)

Here are some Key Features:

  • It’s an easy way to be notified when there are updates
  • Simple selection and download of updates
  • Quickly lets you install updates into the development environment
  • Gives you control over which environments to update
  • gives you a history of updates and the ability to hide optional updates

Hey – the other thing – IT’S FREE! smile_teeth  you do have to register, however.

you can get the download here!

Enjoy, and let us know what you think!