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Intel, HP and Yahoo get in a cloud together

News from TechCrunch today that Intel, HP and Yahoo are teaming up together to get in the Cloud Computing arena that is currently occupied by Microsoft, Google and Amazon.

There are probably only three companies out there who can execute on a Cloud Computing strategy on their own; Microsoft, Google and IBM.  They have the financial resources and expertise required.  Amazon need to team up simply because they don’t have the financial clout – despite selling all those books and DVDs.  I would expect them to be looking to bring their experience with their current offering to a partnership with another company soon, and given that Intel, HP and Yahoo just jumped into the cloud together perhaps Dell and AMD would be a good option?

A bit of history Intel got in and out of the hosting business in 2002 so they know how to run a datacenter or two (and how to shut one down). (Full disclosure: I have worked for Intel).

Notes from the announcement are here.