Announcement: WPF Pixel Shader Effects Library on codeplex..
We just published a codeplex project with source for > 25 Pixel Shader effects and ~35 Transition effects..
This video demonstrating the effects and transitions is a must watch. it is much better than the descriptions below.. [but for any one with less bandwidth I still tried]..
Effects: BandedSwirl, Bloom, BrightExtract, ColorKeyAlpha, ColorTone, ContrastAdjust, DirectionalBlur, Embossed, Gloom, GrowablePoissonDiskEffect, InvertColor, LightStreak, Magnify, Monochrome, Pinch, Pixelate, Ripple, Sharpen, SmoothMagnify, Swirl, Tone, Toon, and ZoomBlur…
Here are samples of the effects in action.
Original content (and type) | RenderTargetBitmap of content with Effects applied (via test app). | |
(Image) | Swirl | Embossed |
(Vectors) | InvertColor | Pixelated |
Transition Effects:
BandedSwirl, Blinds, Blood, CircleReveal, CircleStretch, CircularBlur, CloudReveal, Cloudy, Crumble, Dissolve, DropFade, Fade, LeastBright, LineReveal, MostBright, PixelateIn, PixelateOut, Pixelate, RadialBlur, RadialWiggle, RandomCircleReveal, Ripple, Rotate, Saturate, Shrink, SlideIn, SmoothSwirl, Swirl, Water, Wave..To see these in action, you really should check out the demo video on channel9 or go ahead and get the source from codeplex.
I promise it will be fun... [in a geeky kinda way].
The scoop on the library.
Adam recorded a video with David Teitlebaum introducing the library and sharing credit with Troy Jefferson, the intern that packaged the effects... Thanks Troy!!
We are hoping others contribute; there is already plenty of other WPF effects out there..
A few resources to get you going with PixelShaders (for WPF) effects:
- Greg Schechter's series on custom effects. Great stuff, 8 articles, from simple effects to multi-input (that is how you do transitions).
- Nikola (from Cider team) has a tutorial too; and a channel 9 video for the continuum show.
- An effect tutorial written by Troy too..
Have fun! Please share feedback via codeplex.. and if you like the library blog it so others can find it.. imho the transitions are pretty neat!
October 05, 2008
Wow !! I'm now downloading to try it !!Anonymous
October 05, 2008
In this issue: Jonas Follesø, Koen Zwikstra, Jeff Wilcox, Andy Beaulieu, Jaime Rodriguez, James BaconAnonymous
October 05, 2008
Via Jaime R, there's a whole set of transitions and effects to download up at CodePlex if you're on 3.5...Anonymous
October 22, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 22, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 26, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 27, 2008
Lot's of good stuff today but first here's the new .NET logo and VS2010 & .NET CLR CTP !Anonymous
November 07, 2008
Folks, Here's some update from PDC 2008 regarding WPF. Hope this helps. ------------------------Anonymous
November 12, 2008
Biblioteca de efeitos HLSL para aplicações WPF. · Veja o vídeo com a demonstraçãoAnonymous
November 13, 2008
Biblioteca de efeitos HLSL para aplicações WPF. · Veja o vídeo com a demonstraçãoAnonymous
March 26, 2009
At MIX last week, we announced that Silverlight 3 supports effects, written in HLSL 2.0 .. If you remember