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How to configure Favorites using Group Policy preferences


  • Internet Explorer 10


This article describes how to implement Favorites settings by using Group policy Preference for Microsoft Internet Explorer 10
on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or Microsoft Windows 8 and Microsoft Windows7.


Method 1:


1)       Open the Group Policy Editor by using Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

2)       Expand  User Configuration -> Preferences -> Windows Settings -> Shortcuts.

3)       Right Click on the Shortcuts and select New-> Shortcut.

4)       In the Shortcut Properties, configure the Target URL.


Method 2:

1)    Create a shared folder in any location  which can be accessed by all the machines where we need to

        push these favorite files through GPP (\\servershare\folder\*.*). Notice that I’ve given a wild card *.* to select

       all the files that are present in this shared folder.  

2)   Now copy all the favorite files that you  need to push from any location to this shared folder.


3)    Now in Group policy preferences  configure a policy setting to push files.

       User configuration\Preferences\Windows Settings\Files.

       Right Click on the files icon and select new file.


4)    Configure the source file(s) to the shared folder location that was created.

       Destination folder: %userprofile%\Favorites


5)    Click on apply.