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Happy Birthday dot-com and many happy returns of the day!

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the first dot-com domain name registration. As I read the article on CNN.com, I was reminded of a conversation I had with Lou Honick on the day I interviewed for a position at HostMySite.com.

It was a humid summer day in Delaware and I was dressed in my finest suit. Lou walked into the room wearing slacks and a half-sleeve shirt. After we walked through the usual interview questions, Lou asked me if I had any questions for him. I said given the boom and bust of the dot-com’s what makes your business so different. He said there are two reasons why we are different than those companies. First, we are not funded by venture capitalists and we are profitable. Second, businesses will still need websites and will have a need to conduct business on the Internet and hosting companies provide the platform, access, and support to doing business on the Internet. That stuck with me. I don’t why I turned down two other jobs to work there, but I think it had something to do with my gut telling me the future is exciting with this company. I feel proud of betting my future on them 7 years ago.

According to the article 99.9% of all internet growth occurred in the past fifteen years and the impact on the U.S. economy of the Internet sector is estimated at $300 billion or about 2 percent of the total, according to a report issued by Hamilton Consultants and the Harvard Business School last year.

Monish Sood

Marketing Manager