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Vista Praised as Ideal Solution

Panelists praised Vista performance in Redmond Magazine’s coverage of Microsoft’s Springboard virtual roundtable earlier this month. The panel consisting of IT professionals who had actually carried out system upgrades, concluded that Service Pack 1 for Vista had transformed the often-maligned operating system into an ideal solution for enterprise IT managers.

Sixteen aerialists perform as a live Human Billboard, launching the release of Windows Vista and 2007 Microsoft Office by creating the two Microsoft icons seven stories above the ground in New York, January 29, 2006. The Billboard is accompanied by an original score featuring notes from the new Windows Vista soundtrack. Keith Bedford/Microsoft Corporation/Handout   
I'd also like to call your attention to the new blog by the Springboard Series team, which offers a frank, open and honest discussion on the challenges and rewards of adopting the modern Windows client environment.

The Springboard Series team blog covers the tough issues around managing Windows desktop and mobile PCs, and will be the place to get up-to-date information on the latest Windows Client OS releases, beta opportunities, upcoming events, and more
