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Microsoft Health Tech Today—June Program Preview

I’m delighted to provide a sneak preview of our season closer for Microsoft Health Tech Today.  Our June program, which launches June 9th, has a terrific line-up of special guests and cool technologies at the intersection of health and information technology.

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First up is a visit with my friend and colleague Dr. Matt Handley.  Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound is recognized as a world leader in the provision of eHealth services to its member patients.  Whether it is scheduling a visit, exchanging e-mail with your doctor, or looking at your test results and medical records on-line, Group Health does it all.  Dr. Handley will explain the benefits that eHealth services bring to the organization and its patients.

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Next we pay a visit to Wound Technology Network.  This innovative approach to wound care lowers costs, reduces hospitalizations and vastly improves patient satisfaction.  See how Wound Technology Network uses Smartphones to transmit images and video to their wound care command center where patients and caregivers get advice from wound care experts.

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Have you ever wondered how advanced imaging technologies improve patient care?  On our June episode of Health Tech Today we’ll see how Philips Healthcare is using tools that collect data at the point of care and share that data quickly and efficiently. Patient safety and hospital savings are measurable and better healthcare is the result.

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Finally, I’m joined on the show by Bill Davenhall of ESRI.  We reprise this amazing personal story to show how geo-mapping data overlaid with information about environmental toxins may add to understanding our personal risk for certain diseases.  Mr. Davenhall shares what he learned about his own health while exploring the possible relationship between the places you have lived and your health.

Please take a look at our Health Tech Today program trailer for June right now, and prepare yourself for another informative episode when we launch on June 9th.  Remember, our program player let’s you decide what program segments to watch.  You can watch the entire show, or just the segments that interest you.  We also have our entire season of shows available for on-line viewing, including the option to watch on YouTube and Microsoft Showcase.


Bill Crounse, MD   Senior Director, Worldwide Health   Microsoft
