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Windows 7 INstall Fest using final code?

With Windows 7 RTM scheduled for no later than July 31st, I’m wondering if anyone would be interested in me hosting another set of Install Fests based on final (released) code?  Before you get too carried away, I will NOT be able to provide a free copy of Windows 7.  Instead, I am thinking that the folks who have a TechNet Plus Subscription or MSDN Subscription or folks who work for companies with a Volume License agreement (and owns the client) should be able to download the final bits shortly after RTM. 

The agenda would be similar to the three I held in Irvine and San Diego in June.  I will start with a 60 – 90 minute presentation on Migrating from Windows XP to Windows 7.  The rest of the time (afternoon, evening) would be used to help everyone install Windows 7 (clean, in-place upgrade from Windows Vista, Migrate from Windows XP, etc.).  Although we would be using release code, I would still insist on people bringing a non-production machine as I cannot be responsible for that.

If you are interested or have any other thoughts / ideas on this, please post comments for all to see.  Thanks!

Harold Wong


  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2009
    Hi Harold, I unfortuantely could not attend the Irvine, CA session last month.  But I am very interrested in attending the next session in Irvine.  Please say When & what Time! BTW, just let us know what the cost might be I'm sure we can work something out.

  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2009
    Hi Harold, I unfortuantely could not attend the Irvine, CA session last month.  But I am very interrested in attending the next session in Irvine.  Please say When & what Time! BTW, just let us know what the cost might be I'm sure we can work something out. DKJackson@Firstam.com

  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2009
    Please remember Albuquerque when setting up your schedule.

  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2009
    Am in Portland, OR, volunteering with a small non-profit.  Where could I find a good web-based demo on how to move from XP Pro to Win7 with very limited resources?  One small server, 8 old PCs.   Would you consider a web-conference of your 60-90 minute piece of the event? Thanks mhale@portlandtaiko.org

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2009
    Hi Harold, I was not around so I could not attend last session in June.   But I am interrested in attending the next session in Irvine.  Please let me know when the next Windows 7 install Fest will take place in August. Thanks, Alexander

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2009
    Sorry my e-mail is kulik@icann.org