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Q&A Log from Momentum Webcast: Top Five Reasons to Upgrade to Exchange Server 2010 (01/12/2010)

I delivered a Momentum Webcast on January 12, 2010 on the Top Five Reasons to Upgrade to Exchange Server 2010.  My goal was to post the Q&A Log by Friday, January, 15, 2010.  I was on target, then got caught up with a few things and just totally forgot (Senior moment).

Now that I finally remembered, here are the few questions that were posted and my answers to them.  If I missed something or my answer(s) weren’t clear, please let me know.  Thanks!!

Harold Wong

Questions and Answers Log

Momentum Webcast: Top Five Reasons to Upgrade to Exchange Server 2010

Question: Hello Harold, is there a reason why I must save the Launch.rtc file locally then double click to open it? I did not have this issue until running Windows7. Suggestion to be able to open directly from IE8?

Answer: I am also running Windows 7 with IE8 and do not have that issue. I’m guessing you have a setting in IE8 that is forcing you to do that.

Question: Has Exchange 2010 more easy to integrate with ASP and ASP.net code? By that I mean, can the calendar, contact information including Emails accessible via an intranet application we have already? If I am not clear, I will be happy to speak to you about that. Thanks for your response.

Answer: You can easily integrate using the Exchange Web Services: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb204119.aspx.

Question: In a small business environment, can you only have one exchange server run all roles for exchange 2010? Have one server in production and one server at the DR site?

Answer: For the first question, the answer is Yes. If you want to implement a DR site, currently, you will need a minimum of two servers in the production site before you can add a server at a remote site into the DAG.

Question: Where can I go to get the differences between Exchange 2010 Standard and Enterprise?

Answer: The only difference is that Enterprise Edition can have up to 100 databases while Standard only supports up to 5: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb232170.aspx.

Question: How does Exchange 2010 deal with "whitespace?" In Exchange 2003 you had to perform an offline defragmentation, is it still the same with 2010?

Answer: This is still true with Exchange Server 2010.

Question: When databases are replicated, from that point forward, is only change data replicated?

Answer: We use Log Shipping to replicate. As each Transaction Log (1 MB in size) is closed, it is then copied to the other nodes and replayed into the copy of the database maintained by that server. This is essentially the same process / architecture as CCR, LCR and SCR in Exchange 2007.

Question: This is a great presentation. I really enjoyed it. Do we get PDU's for this class?

Answer: Not sure what a PDU is, but I’m guessing no.

Question: How do voice mails get received within your email? Does you phone system have to have this capability? Is there a compatibility list for this?

Answer: Your PBX or whatever phone system you are using has to send the call to the Exchange Unified Messaging (UM) Server Role. If your phone system cannot communicate directly with Exchange UM, then you will need to purchase a gateway to connect the two systems. https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb124084.aspx, https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb125141(EXCHG.80).aspx and https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc164342(EXCHG.80).aspx.

Question: What makes Exchange 2010 an easily hosted application?

Answer: As soon as Microsoft Online is upgraded to Exchange 2010, organizations will be able to integrate their On Premise Exchange deployment with mailboxes hosted in the Cloud (Microsoft Online).

Question: does exchange 2010 has new feature to easily integrate with virtual servers and to play a role in cloud computing. what are those new features. will it support for virtual server in production environment.

Answer: We do support the CAS, HT and Mailbox Roles in a virtual environment (Hyper-V, etc.). Depending on the usage, this may not make sense. Exchange 2010 can be integrated with on-premise and hosted in one organization and have seamless administration. Our hosted solution is currently still running on Exchange 2007 so that was not something I could demonstrate today.