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Office 2010 technical Preview

Office 2010 Technical Preview

It was just recently announced that Office 2010 is now going into Technical Preview.  It is not a totally wide open beta for anyone and everyone.  I was told invites have (or will go out) gone out to people to join the Technical Preview.  At the same time, we are accepting “applications” for folks who want to be added to the Wait List.  If you are interested in testing Office 2010 and have not received an invitation, please go here to register for the Wait List: https://microsoft.crgevents.com/Office2010TheMovie/Content/Default.aspx?p=Home&.

If you want to learn more about the different products in the Office 2010 Suite, visit the new Office 2010 Home Page: https://www.microsoft.com/office/2010/.

For those of you who are already testing Exchange 2010 Beta, you will definitely want to sign up so you can also test Outlook 2010 against Exchange 2010.

Harold Wong