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IT Pro and Dev Community XBox 360 Party In Phoenix

For all those IT Pros and Developers that live in the Phoenix area, this "announcement" is for you.  I am hosting an XBox 360 year end party at the Phoenix Office this coming Saturday, December 13th, from 4 PM - 9 PM. 

My initial plan was to host a little year end gathering that included all IT Pro User Groups and MVPs in the Phoenix area so we can all get together, meet one another and have some fun playing XBox 360 games like Halo 3.  It hit me that I really shouldn't keep this to only the IT Pros, but we should really get the entire community together since we are all technology focused folks anyways.  If you have never attended a User Group meeting before in the past, this is also a great chance to find out more about the different user groups that exist here in town.  Either way, you don't have to be an existing User Group member to attend and there is no charge for the event.  I will be providing sodas, coffee and pizza so come, meet other geeks in town and have some fun.

So that I can plan accordingly for the food, please register for the event here: https://www.clicktoattend.com/invitation.aspx?code=133878.  I have also included more details on the registration page so please do read that before completing your registration.  Thanks and I look forward to meeting you there.

Harold Wong
