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New Microsoft learning Vietnam website

I would like you to spend a few seconds to visit the new Microsoft Learning Vietnam web page, a new URL with a new design & new contents.https://www.microsoft.com/vietnam/learning

In the past, people are used to the page at “…/vietnam/training” but the contents were rather out of date after years.Now we only maintain at this page the list of our certified partners for learning solution (CPLS).In the new page of Microsoft Learning Vietnam, people can explore the new contents updated with New Generation of Microsoft Certifications, current campaigns for training and exam/certifications of MS Learning (Second Shot, “take training, get free software”…) that we offer through our channel (CPLS, test centers via Prometric).And it is all in Vietnamese language, more convenient for local customers and partners. This information is provided by Mr Sơn , my colleague (PARTNER DEVELOPMENT MANAGER).

Thanks Son Ho, it is so great!
