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Súper tip para Hyper-V: Compartir archivos entre el host y las MV

Ahora que estoy preparándome para instalar el SP1 de Windows Server 2008 R2 y revisar algunas cosas mediante máquinas virtuales, encontré este súper tip por el MVP Mitch Tulloch en el sitio de WindowsNetworking.com. El tip hace parte de un artículo titulado Windows Admin Tips Update y lo copio a continuación:

How to share files between a Hyper-V host and its virtual machines and any virtual machines running on that host.

If you've used Microsoft Virtual PC or Microsoft Virtual Server, you'll have enjoyed the fact that you can copy and paste between a virtual machine and those platforms. This doesn’t work with Hyper-V however—you can't copy/paste between a VM and the Hyper-V host.

The workaround is to do the following:

  1. On your Hyper-V host, create a shared folder and assign Change permission to Everyone.
  2. On the virtual machine running on the host, open the Network and Sharing Center and enable File and Printer Sharing.
  3. On the virtual machine, click Start and type \\host_name\share_name where host_name is the name of your Hyper-V host and share_name is the name of the share you created.
  4. Press ENTER and an Explorer window will open in the VM showing the contents of the shared folder on the host.
  5. You can now copy files from the VM to the host and vice versa as needed.

En otro post les contaré como me fue con la instalación del SP1 para Windows Server 2008 R2.



  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2011
    Excelente aporte Guillermo :D  lo voy a probar