다음을 통해 공유

Office Communications Server 2007 User Services: A WMI instance for a policy could not be located

Problem:  A WMI instance for a policy could not be located

Symptom: Follow event is logged in Event Viewer
Event ID 32060
User Services - A WMI instance for a policy could not be located.; <FrontEndServername>
A WMI instance for a policy could not be located.
Failed to find a WMI instance for policy instance GUID = {061EAA7D-8A09-4C25-A081-5AFC44DE2B8C}. Using the default instance for the policy.
Notice: GUID may vary.

Cause: Either at the Forest/Properties/Global Properties Meetings tab the Global policy is set the “Use per user policy” and a meeting policy definition that was applied to some users was deleted or at the Forest/Properties/Voice Properties Policy tab the Global policy is set to “Use per user policy” and the voice policy that may have been applied to some users may have been deleted.

Resolution: Check if the policy instance has been deleted and reconfigure any settings that reference this policy.  Also apply any critical Office Communications Server 2007 updates.