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Technology Improving Accessibility


On 17 March, Microsoft hosted a forum showcasing technology to improve accessibility. The forum was attended by peak disability groups, NGO representatives and government policy makers, and was opened by Bill Shorten MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Children's Services. The keynote address was by Professor Ron McCallum AO. Professor McCallum (pictured) was recently appointed to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


Microsoft's Public Sector Director, Pip Marlow moderated a panel discussion on Addressing the Ageing Public Sector Workforce. Panel members included Jody Broun, Director General of the NSW Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Vice President of IPAA (Institute of Public Administration of Australia); Jim Hegarty, Chief Information Officer, NSW Department of Ageing & Disability; Mettina Pavlakis, Director, Government Chief Information Office, NSW Department of Commerce; and Nan Bosler, President, Australian Seniors Computing Clubs Association.

The Forum also included demonstrations of assistive technologies using the Microsoft platform
