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SkyDrive App for Windows Phone and iPhone Now Available


The ability to store vast amounts of data in an always available place, accessible via an internect connection, is one of the truly remarkable benefits of cloud based computing services.

Windows Live SkyDrive is an HTML5 based, free of charge, storage facility or file hosting service that provides users with 25GB of free storage. Individual files are limited to 100MB.

Microsoft has just released a SkyDrive app for Windows Phone and the iPhone.

This will provide even greater access for users to their personal files, photos and documents by making access via Windows Phone or the iPhone seamless. It is another step in Microsoft's goal of providing technology tools that enable anywhere, anytime, any device computing thereby increasing individual and ultimately organisational productivity.

The SkyDrive for Windows phone app (the #SkyDrive #WindowsPhone App) can be downloaded here.

The SkyDrive for iPhone (the #SkyDrive #iPhone App) can be downloaded here.

Windows Phone users can also find the app in Marketplace. Watch a video of using Skydrive on Windows Phone or see a video walkthrough of the new #SkyDrive #iPhone App.

Note: SkyDrive uses a Windows Live ID to control access to files, allowing users to keep their uploaded files private and gives users the ability to share their files with their contacts.