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Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2010

Enviroment Gartner, Inc. analysts have highlighted their top 10 technologies and trends which they expect to be strategic for most organisations in 2010. Gartner defines a strategic technology as one with the potential for significant impact on the enterprise in the next three years

With respect to the use of information technology as an aid to supporting good environmental outcomes Gartner states:

IT can enable many green initiatives. The use of IT, particularly among the white collar staff, can greatly enhance an enterprise’s green credentials. Common green initiatives include the use of e-documents, reducing travel and teleworking. IT can also provide the analytic tools that others in the enterprise may use to reduce energy consumption in the transportation of goods or other carbon management activities.

This concise analysis undoubtedly understates the potential and necessity of IT to contribute to good environmental outcomes at the enterprise level.

It does not refer to the fact that the development of all the technologies that will move our national, commercial and social economic infrastructures away from unsustainable greenhouse gas emitting energy production will require extensive contribution from IT – from initial research to ultimate monitoring, information processing and response. 

For this reason alone Government and private industry investment in ‘Green IT’ is a strategic technology and a human necessity.

Take a look at the Gartner research to see what other technologies they consider strategic for enterprises in 2010.

Technorati Tags: Environment,Green IT,Gartner,future