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Financial software tug of war Microsoft designs product suite in quest to grab market share from Deltek

See this Washington Technology Article written by Dave Hubler for a look at how Microsoft is gaining momentum as an alternative to Deltek.  Below is an excerpt from a customer who has used both solutions:

Richard Boden, president and CEO of the Boden Group, a professional services provider in Woodbridge, Va., has used Deltek and Dynamics products.

Government auditors are used to using Deltek, and they know how its programs enter and use data, he said. “From a compliance perspective, it makes it easy to audit,” he said.

Deltek’s main problem is it is a proprietary system and not easily adaptable, Boden added. “If you wanted to, say, go with an outside source that could do your [human resources work] or your payroll or something like that, you’d have to have guys come in and basically write code,” he said. That is in contrast to Dynamics NAV, an open system to which it is easy to add applications.

Boden said he believes Deltek is beginning to lose market share because the bigger clients want to do more things themselves without having to hire outside consultants or programmers.

“If they’re still going to remain a proprietary system,” Boden said, “I think they’re going to have problems.


Interested in learning more about how Dynamics solutions could help your organization visit www.dynamicsbymicrosoft.com to request additional information.
