Installing Azure SDK 2.3 for Visual Studio "14" CTP
To install the Azure SDK 2.3 for .NET with Visual Studio "14" CTP, follow these steps. This procedure installs SDKs, basic tools, and extended tools for Azure development with Visual Studio "14" CTP and is not intended to be used with any other version of Visual Studio.
To install the Azure SDK 2.3 for .NET, follow these steps:
Install Visual Studio "14" CTP on a machine without any other version of Visual Studio installed.
Install each component of the Azure SDK using the links in the following list, in this order. Choose the x86 or x64 version of each of the following components.
- Azure authoring tools: WindowsAzureAuthoringTools-x86.msi or WindowsAzureAuthoringTools-x64.msi.
- Azure compute emulator: WindowsAzureEmulator-x86.exe or WindowsAzureEmulator-x64.exe.
- The Azure client libraries: WindowsAzureLibsForNet-x86.msi or WindowsAzureLibsForNet-x64.msi.
- The storage emulator: WindowsAzureStorageEmulator.msi. If you receive a warning regarding local SQL databases, install SQL Server LocalDB 11.0 from this location for x86 or this location for x64.
- Azure Tools for Visual Studio: WindowsAzureTools.vs140.exe.
June 03, 2014
What is this Visual Studio "14" CTP you are referring to? Your hyperlink goes to no where!Anonymous
July 11, 2014
Thanks, Gordon! Saved me some time.