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Two Tech-Eds are better than one!

Tech-Ed U.S. has grown so much in the last few years that it's been hard to navigate and keep up with all the interesting stuff it has to offer. So following the model of several other Tech-Eds around the globe, we've just announced that there will be two Tech-Eds now - one focused on developers and one focused on IT pros.

I think this is a great idea, which will allow for more content, more attention to topics you're interested in, and more fun!

In other news, plans to formalized the conference tile by starting to call it "Tech-Edward" have been scrapped. ;)

Link: Tech-Ed U.S.

Technorati tags: TechEd


  • Anonymous
    November 05, 2007
    They tried this before in the 90's (Tech Ed Dallas) ... 9 days of "two" Tech Ed's ... It did not work then and it may not work now unless the market has changed significantly.  The whole concept of Tech Ed was to provide a BIG PICTURE take on the Application technologies, specifically from BOTH perspectives (Developer and Engineer) 1 - 2 hour session were never meant to be "deep dives" but just enough to push us to where we want to go.  Having both sides available made folks like me EXTREMELY valuable because not only did we understand how the apps worked or where built but we understood how to deploy them and support them afterwards. What ended up happening in the nine day Tech Ed Dallas was that folks that needed it attended both and were not only gone from the office for a long time but quite burnt out after so many days  (it was the only way to make sure that all topics we needed to get into were addressed as there was no way to schedule, say, VBA topics within a day of Server Topics when the two were supposed to be completely split up.)   If there is too much technology then perhaps you do need more than one Tech Ed but not back to back.   Ralph Rivas Tech Ed Veteran since 93 (got an Xbox at the 10 year and sat on the original advisory board)