My middle finger is going to be tired for a while - but hopefully not that long a time
I always have to peek behind the scenes. Whether it's sneaking a look into a construction site to see what a crew is building, trying to figure out how a special effect in a Disney attraction works, or ..., I just can't help myself noticing these things - it's second nature and just the way I'm wired.
With the web, it used to be about URLs. Whenever I visit a page, I can't help but notice the extension at the end of the URL. Since coming to work for Microsoft, it's been even more prominent. When I visit a new site, and it ends in ".asp" I think "better upgrade to .NET, guys". I don't see too much of that now with the adoption of .NET more and more so I get this little happy feeling when I see ".aspx". Anything else and I half-jokingly say to myself "Oops, you guys missed out on a lot by going with [PHP, ColdFusion, JSP, etc]. :)
Now along comes Silverlight. It's really going to rewrite the rules on building interactivity and UX into web pages. But I won't gush about it here - there are so many resources out there that talk about how fantastic Silverlight is, I would just be another voice in the wind. And besides, in our next series of MSDN Events (August-September) we're going to feature a session on Silverlight, so you can come see for yourself and discuss it in a community setting.
For me personally, it's going to be about watching the adoption of Silverlight from my favorite scientific perspective - my own web surfing. So my latest habit is to right-click on anything in a web page that is slick and highly interactive. If I see that menu that starts with Zoom In, Zoom Out, Show All then I know what I'm seeing is old school. But when I see that short and sweet About Microsoft Silverlight menu, I'm a teensy bit happier.
Boy, my middle finger is going to get tired... (hold the middle finger jokes, folks...)
May 31, 2007
New MSFT stuff, still old school. sigh...
May 31, 2007
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June 04, 2007
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