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MSDN Southern Fried Roadshow – It’s All About Azure

Don’t forget to reserve your space now in the next edition of the MSDN Southern Fried Roadshow! We’ll be giving you the whole picture of Microsoft’s cloud computing stack from “A” to “Zure”.

The MSDN Southern Fried Roadshow is a free developer event with a southern flair, where you will learn about some of the latest developments in Microsoft technologies. For Q1 2010, join Microsoft Evangelists Glen Gordon, Joe Healy and Brian Hitney as they present a half day event packed full of great information for developers and architects. This quarter, it's all about Windows Azure. Following on the heels of Microsoft's big announcements about the Windows Azure Platform at PDC, you'll get a comprehensive look at this cloud computing platform. We’ll provide a snack so you can keep your energy up. In addition to what you learn, you might win one of many cool prizes. Keep in touch with the Roadshow crew’s travels on their Facebook page and Twitter updates tagged with #msdnsfr. If you want to discuss the roadshow, use that hashtag as well!

Click a city below to register

February 25 - Atlanta, GA
March 5 - Charlotte, NC

Also check out our sister series, MSDN Events

March 3 - Raleigh, NC