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Join the 30 to Launch challenge and build a Windows Phone application today!


Lots of things are tough to do in 30 days. Having a baby, building a skyscraper, shooting a movie.

One thing that’s dead easy though? Creating a Windows Phone application.

To that end, we’ve launched a new campaign designed to help you be successful doing just that. It’s called 30 to Launch. From January 31 to February 29 (yes, you even get an extra day this year) learn about developing for Windows Phone. In Week 2, you’ll have a chance to request a token to register for App Hub for free to publish your apps. In week 3 you could win a Nokia Lumia 800 phone - to test your app of course! :)

Winners of the 30 to launch program have a chance to win a 3D TV, and Xbox Kinect, and more. Plus you’ll have the satisfaction of having brought a cool app into existence and sharing it with the world in the Windows Phone marketplace!

Are you in? Sign up today at www.30tolaunch.com to join the challenge.