GSP Developers 2006 Study Groups launching
The Greenville-Spartanburg Enterprise Developers Guild is launching their 2006 Study Groups this week. They will be holding the meetings in CSI's training room. CSI is located on E. Main St in Easley. Due to the fairly large signup, they will be holding 2 different sessions each week.
On Wednesdays, they will hold an instructor led VB.NET session from 6 to 7PM and a study session for VB.NET from 7 to 8 or 8:30. On Thursdays they will have a C# study session from 6 to 7 or 7:30PM.
If you have not ordered your book yet, be sure to visit this page to see what book to order. If you are interested and have not previously signed up, just show up. Since they went to 2 sessions, they will have plenty of room.
The first session will cover the ground rules as well as the first 2 chapters of the book. If you have any questions, contact Joe Walling (