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Congratulations to Jim Duffy, new RD for the Carolinas

I just heard from my co-worker Brian that one of our local community members Jim Duffy has been awarded the position of Microsoft Regional Director. Brian put up a helpful post explaining the RD program, and I agree that Jim is a great choice.

Jim's been very active for a long time in a variety of community events, he's presented all over the place and has even been a guest on a couple of the funnest geekSpeaks ever. Jim and I even grew up in the same area of South Florida at about the same time, so we often exchange IMs reminiscing about our teenage years.

Knowing we can rely on the passion and commitment of people like Jim makes it much easier for Brian and I to do our jobs. Thanks Jim!

Now if we can just get him to quit wearing this shirt, since he's for all .NET languages now! :)

RaleighLaunch 028


  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2008
    Whadda mean "all" .Net languages now? Uh oh, maybe I need to re-consider. :-)  Ok, ok, I'll try to type a curly bracket... {   }   There! Are you happy now?? :-) Kidding aside, thanks for the kind words. I'm excited about working closely with Brian to help spread the .NET love around North and South Carolina.