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Videos from first CRM Incubation Week

Recently Nikhil Hasija pointed me to the videos that were recorded during the 1st CRM Incubation Week. 

DubMeNow: A very cool contact management mobile solution that integrates with Dynamics CRM. I was their advisor during the week and very impressed with them. A very professional startup company.


Highland Martin: A customizable portal solution sitting on top of CRM with some cool Silverlight work. 



Channel Blade: An online solution for the Marine (Boating) industry.


Prime Time Software Solutions: Sales methodology solution targeted towards the media industry. They have  vast industry experience and I was surprised by their fantastic progress with limited technology background.


Support4U: A social collaboration solution that tightly integrates with CRM and produces excellent analytics around documents. A good example showing how Silverlight can light up the UI.

The next CRM Incubation week (Part2) is coming up shortly and I’m betting it’ll be even more fun and productive for the participating companies.
