다음을 통해 공유

Still more Frequently Asked Questions...

Q:  Can I do an in-place upgrade of 55 to Exchange 2003.

A:  No, you can upgrade Exchange 2000 to 2003 or install Exchange 2003 and them move mailboxes from 5.5 to 2003.


Q:  How many GCs do I need dedicated for Exchange 2003?

A:  A good ratio is 1 GC Processor per 4 Exchange 2000/3 processors.


Q:  Can I change the domain name that my Exchange 2003 servers are in?

A:  Not until Exchange 2003 SP1 at the earliest.


Q:  I like the new Exchange 2003 OWA.  Can I just install it as a Front End (FE) and get the same functionality?

A:  No.  In order for you to get the functionality of Exchange 2003 OWA, your FE and BE (mailbox and PF) server must be running 2003.


Q:  Can I run Outlook 97 and 98 with Exchange 2003?

A:  Technically it isn’t supported as we haven’t tested it, but we have customers who are running it.


Q:  What is the difference between the Enterprise and Standard editions?

A:  You will need Enterprise server for:


            Multiple Storage Groups (SG) and databases

            Databases larger than 16 GB

            X.400 Connectors

      Both versions have the following:

            Can act as a Front-End server

Database snapshot

OMA and ActiveSync


Recovery Storage Group

Exchange Management Pack for MOM


Q:  What vendors use the VSS API for Exchange?

A:  (This information was true as of January 2004)

       HW Providers

EMC (Clarion/Symmetrix)

HP Network Array


       Software Backup providers

Veritas BackupExec 9.1 (released)

CommVault - Galaxy 4.2 w/Shadow Explorer (released)

Computer Associates BrightStor Enterprise Backup v10.5 with BrightStor Backup Agent for Microsoft Exchange 2003 - VSS Hardware Snapshot is in Beta and supports EMC Clariion series, HP EVA, VA, Xiotech Magnitude & 3D.

Legato - Legato NetWorker 7.1 (released)


Q:  Do all of the nodes in an Exchange Cluster require the same hardware?

A:  Yes. 

309395 The Microsoft Support Policy for Server Clusters and the Hardware


810986 XADM: Microsoft Support Policy for Exchange Server Installed on Cluster



Q:  How do I enable Forms based Authentication?

A:  830827 How to Use Forms Based Authentication with Outlook Web Access Clients in



Q:  After moving my mailbox from one Admin Group (AG) to another, I can’t see Free\Busy information.  How do I fix this?

A:  You have two options:

Replicate the Free/Busy folder from the old AG to the new AG.


Change the LegacyExchangeDN so that it has the new AG in the OU field.  If you do this, you will want to add an X.400 Proxy address to match the old LegacyExchangeDN so that people can reply to your old email.