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Cross Site Moves and Profiles Afterwards

I gave some thought to some of the issues you might experience after a cross-site move of mailboxes.

The main thing is that you must either recreate the profile or run the Exchange Profile Update Tool (ExProfRe.exe).  Just putting changing the name of the server in the profile is not enough.

Please take a look at the information found at:
873214 The Exchange Profile Update tool

The first sentences of the article pretty much spells it out:

“After you move a mailbox across an administrative group, any Microsoft Outlook profiles that were in use for this mailbox no longer function correctly. Mailbox servers can refer Outlook to the correct server after mailboxes have been moved within an administrative group, but this process does not work correctly for mailboxes that are moved across an administrative group. Security settings for e-mail messages, calendaring, free and busy information, public folder moderation, and delegation may not work. You must update the profile for 100 percent functionality after such a move.”

More information can be found at:
838235 TechNet Support WebCast: Mixed-mode site consolidation in Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 1
The transcript of this presentation is available for those who would rather read it.

In that transcript it says:

"... when we move mailboxes cross-site we're actually eliminating the object that represents the mailbox in 5.5 and creating a new object in a different site. So if you don't run that Exchange Profile Redirector Tool, the profile on your Outlook client will then still believe that it is associated with the distinguished name of the source site mailbox, meaning that the profile will make assumptions about who it actually is. Even though you can get into your mail after you do a cross-site move, and you can even send and receive mail after a cross-site move without running that Exchange Profile Redirector, if you don't run the Exchange Profile Redirector you'll have weird little issues going on because we will make assumptions about who we are that will be incorrect. So you need to run that Profile Redirector Tool. "


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    WARNING: Next week I won't post the traditional "Weekend reading". Actually I won't post anything, I'll...