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Another Place For Scripts and MSN Search

I found this while looking for some script help on installing Exchange 5.5 hot fixes.  Interestingly, I found this by means of MSN search.

I am starting to use MSN search more and more.  I took the suggestion of the MSN search team internally and got rid of my Google bar and made MSN my search preference.  It took me a few hours to adjust, but it is starting to grow on me.  I have found a few things on MSN that I didn't on Google.  I miss the old dejanews.com\deja.com\groups.google.com and I do have to use that sometimes.  Newsgroups are still important to be searchable and when Google bought dejanews years ago I was was happy for Google but disappointed that we didn't have a similar service.  Also Froogle is the best so far and I am waiting for our solution.

Another thing that just blows my mind is that when I search on my first name (vanity, I know) on Google the results are great!  This blog is at the top.  But when I search on MSN the results YESTERDAY were  pitiful... But I for some reason TODAY when I checked this blog is at the top.  Yesterday there were all kinds of links to it but you couldn't even find the main page anywhere.  It is amazing how it gets updated.  I was about to start on a rant about how my company's search engine didn't even know my blog existed.  I am impressed now.