다음을 통해 공유

Security and Privacy Articles


You’ll see a lot of stories on my blog where I just provide links to articles that I think are relevant. If you read the articles, you’ll see that my extra commentary isn’t that necessary. I provide these links so that folks can see the issues that arise when security and privacy are not top considerations in application development and deployment. In a lot of these cases, it’s human error or just things that happen when you develop and deploy application in today’s environment.  The point of my links to the articles I highlight is not to cast an unfavorable light on companies that experience these issues, but to raise awareness for these security and privacy issues. My hope is that by raising the awareness for security and privacy issues, companies will consider adopting, implementing, and socializing a software security assurance process, such as the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). To learn more about the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), please visit www.microsoft.com/sdl.


