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Events This Week – June 23rd, 2009

You can tell it’s summer, as things are a little slower than usual, but there’s still lots to do if you’re a geek…

Here are the events listed in Community Megaphone for the next week (or so) for the Mid-Atlantic area…this list includes events imported from the UGSS event calendar, and all events entered in Community Megaphone are also automatically synced to the UGSS event calendar:

CMAP .NET Essentials
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 7:00 PM, Columbia, MD
The CMAP .NET Essentials SIG implements a complete ASP.NET application from the requirements all the way to the final deployment. In this last session of the season, we will analyze several ways to pass data between the DAL and the Presentation layers and provide several code examples for implementations.
[ Event Details | Map & Directions | Add To Calendar ]

Frederick .NET User Group June Meeting
Wednesday, June 24, 2009 6:30 PM, Frederick, MD
Intro Topic: Intro to Mesh and Windows Live Framework with John Blumenauer. Developers can now utilize the Microsoft Live Framework to implement applications that consume Live Services data that span devices and the web. In this session, John will provide a brief overview of the platform architecture, explain the goals of the technology and discuss the three main types of applications supported by the Live Framework.
Main Topic: Advanced Techniques for Everyday Development - Building a basic text messaging system using Behavior Driven Development with Mock Objects with Edwin Ames
Description: Confused by the new techniques coming from the Alt.Net crowd? Does writing unit-test code seem like, well… more work? Don’t know the difference between a mock and a fake and not sure why you should care? We’ll use simple examples to introduce and show the value of test and behavior driven development. Once you have a basic understanding we’ll move on to a more realistic business problem. You’ll see an analysis of the business problem and the resulting executable behavioral specification. We’ll end by looking at implementation issues and you’ll see how mocks and fakes fit into the process. When we’re finished you’ll be aware of a basic toolbox: NUnit, TestDriven.Net, Moq and a set of techniques to make everyday coding easier.
Speaker Bio: Edwin has been developing software for 10+ years. He has written solutions for many industries including Corporate Relocation and Insurance. He is a regular speaker at DotNet events. His technical interests include design patterns and development methodologies.
[ Event Details | Map & Directions | Add To Calendar ]

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