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Working at Microsoft in Long Island

Hello, my name is Roger Simonson. I am the Community Program Manager for Forefront Server Security. I have been in the team for about a 1.5 years and I wanted to share our environment with you.

Geographically speaking, when Microsoft software development is mentioned to someone who works in the computer industry, they typically think of Redmond, Washington. While the vast majority of software products are developed at the Redmond campus, much of the Forefront Server Security product development work is done in Hauppauge (pronounced Haw`- pawg), New York. “Where is Hauppauge?” you may ask.

Hauppauge is located on Long Island, NY about midway (West to East) and midway between Long Island Sound and the Atlantic Ocean (North to South) Queens and Brooklyn are located on the western end of Long Island across from Manhattan and Staten Island. Unlike Queens and Staten Island, Hauppauge is a small town, 40 miles East of the heavily populated areas of New York city (includes Queens and Brooklyn).

See map: Hauppauge, NY

When I am asked, “How do you like working for Microsoft on Long Island?” my typical reply is, “It’s a cool place to work!” Since a picture is worth a thousand words, the following depict what I think are some of the cool things about the Long Island facility.

Relaxed dress code and personalized work environment.



The break room. Yes, that is a foosball table, cable TV, pool table, and Xbox 360.

Break Room

Along with free sodas and snacks, the break room includes the most popular morning beverage, coffee from the Starbucks automated coffee machine.

Mmm, Starbucks

Besides the work environment and appeal of living on Long Island (lots of parks, beaches, and history), I find it personally satisfying to know that my work on the Forefront Server Security Team contributes directly to products that provide Microsoft customers the features essential to protect organizations from software threats. I work on a team of highly skilled, enthusiastic, and motivated management and co-workers. The culture here on Long Island encourages innovation and exploration of ideas thinking outside the box. I am excited about providing world class protection for Microsoft server platforms as the team drives hard toward RTM.


Roger Simonson
Community Program Manager
Forefront Server Security


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Chris must have cleaned his desk up for that picture :)