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The Team Continues To Grow


I'm back in the office today after a short break.

Before I went on holidays, I was doing a bit of wheeling and dealing to close some of my open postions.

The front page of TechTalkBlogs has the news


So, 2 *new* people are coming to the team

And David Lemphers moves from one role in the team to another

So, the team now looks like this:

(DE) Developer Evangelists  3  Andrew Coates Dave Glover   Charles Sterling  
(DE) Developer Evangelists  2 Michael Kordahi     Scott Barnes  
(AE) Architect Evangelists  4  Anna Liu | TBH Nigel Watson Nils van Boxsel    
(ITE) IT Pro Evangelists  2  Jeff Alexander       Michael Kleef
(ISV DE) ISV Developer Evangelists  2  Shuk Chan David Sajfar      
(MBS DE) MBS ISV Developer Evangelist  1   David Lemphers      
(UXE) User Experience Evangelist  1    Shane Morris      
(EE) Enthusiast Evangelist  1  To Be Hired
(ITA) IT Pro Architect Advisor   1 To Be Hired

Now I better get onto hiring those other 3 roles!


Technorati tags: Microsoft Australia, Frank Arrigo


[ Current Listening to : Dimension by Wolfmother from Wolfmother ]


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2007
    Congratulations to both Scott and Michael, and to Frank and the team for getting some great guys on board. The team looks great.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2007
    Nothing in SA... :-(

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2007
    Nothing in SA yet. Dglover does a superb job covering it from VIC and Mkleef from WA but never say never.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2007
    /me waves hands, shouts "over here, pick me!"

  • Anonymous
    January 02, 2007
    Darren 's been tagged and, in turn, has passed it on to me. When I was chatting a couple of weeks ago

  • Anonymous
    January 02, 2007
    if there isn't a IT Pro spot for Queensland (you know, the state with the fastest growth), just what is an IT Pro Architect Advisor (and sholdn't that be singular as ther is only one position) and what do i need to do to get ready for that...

  • Anonymous
    January 02, 2007
    Surely you need a Developer Evangelist in the ACT... waves hand jedi stlye, convincing Frank that he is correct

  • Anonymous
    January 03, 2007
    MIX is back at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas April 30 - May 2 for its second run as Microsoft's premier

  • Anonymous
    January 03, 2007
    While I know I wouldn't even begin to have the skills necessary to be on this team - I would love to just be an intern, clerk, or "Stationery, Software and Hardware Requisition Officer" [SSHRO] for the SA Team. Enthusiast Evangelist? I like that title. I hold a similar self-dubbed title for CSS-Compliance!

  • Anonymous
    January 04, 2007
    Glad to see Stephen wants someone in SA too.   After working with Dave and others to get the Vista and Office roadshow in SA (I was one of the speakers...), we had a large interest (around 200+ people turn out).  There are a lot of people/companies interested in the MS technology in SA.   What we need (in SA) is an AE who is focussed on pushing the technology.  A lot of companies need to be convinced that MS technology is the way to go, at the CxO level, there needs to be a person focused on this arena. I'd put my hand up for an AE position... if there was a chance of it covering SA/WA/NT.

  • Anonymous
    January 07, 2007
    As you may have seen David Lemphers will be changing his role and will be focusing on Microsoft Dynamics

  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2007
    This week saw a new member of the team start - Scott Barnes. He wrote about his new experiences earlier

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2007
    In response to my post "Spending more time in Perth" I was asked: "These are good. It’d be nice to have

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2007
    TaDa!, top 20 posts for January 2007 . Old posts continue to be popular. My Elfamorphosis Windows Vista

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2007
    I've been busy hiring. 3 new people ( Nick , Michael , Scott ) have all started in the past few weeks