G'day new visitors
If you have come to visit me following my sponsorship of G'day World from Demo@15, or from
the recent article in The Bulletin on Business Blogging by Josh Gliddon, let
me say G'day.
I bet you are wondering who the hell I am, and why did I support those
Wacky Australians who are producing G'Day World, as well as
a number of other podcasts under the banner of The Podcast Network.
First off, Cam and Mick are mates of mine. I introduced
them which kinda helped launch their brilliant new career. They
interviewed me in a rather infamous podcast recently.
Secondly, I work at Microsoft in Australia. I head up a team of Evangelists,
who work with different technical communities - Developer, Academic and IT
Professional. All members
of my team have been bitten by the blogging bug too. I am also the current
editor of the Aussie
MSDN Flash, a bi-weekly newsletter. I've been in the industry many years,
and have a
summary about me online, which needs to be updated.
Thirdly, I am a pretty prolific blogger. Currently, I have 3 major blogs that
I maintain. This one which is work
related, a personal one and one
on The Spoke.
I have been interviewed a few times for my blogging, and have featured in The Bulletin twice recently -
once on podcasting
and once on business
blogging. And I have been asked to participate on a
panel at an upcoming Business Blogging forum here in Sydney.
Finally, I'm a
dad - I have a lovely caring
supportive wife and four
wonderful kids. I am a mad
passionate St.Kilda supporter and being online is addictive.
[ Currently Playing : G'day World
"DEMO@15" 2005-03-01 - Cameron Reilly - TPN - G'day World (01:09:33)