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How to run the Workflow Analyzer manually

In some scenarios the Workflow Analyzer doesn't work as expected. The following article will demonstrate how you can execute the Workflow Analyzer manually. In the first part is described how you can trace a workflow with Workflow Analyzer itself, while in the second part is explained what it is doing on the background. In part 3 you will find the steps to run the Workflow Analyzer manually.

· How to use the Workflow Analyzer (Part 1)

· What happens in the background of the Workflow Analyzer (Part 2)

· Setup the Workflow Analyzer manually (Part 3)

The workflow analyzer is based on OpsMgr sending out trace messages. These trace messages are activated by the property “TraceEnabled” on a particular workflow. This “TraceEnabled” property can be applied by putting an override on the workflow.

The steps for manually running the Workflow Analyzer are made for SCOM 2012, but can easily modified to SCOM 2007 R2.


Special credits to Brian McDermott (Microsoft Escalation Engineer) for the help on this.

Author: Dirk van Coeverden - dirkv(at)microsoft.com