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FREE web-based image viewing for cancer patients by MediCle

Cancer treatment is just complicated. It’s one of those things where sometimes the right path is obvious, but more often you’re trying something, watching for trends, looking for recurrence, trying something new, and repeating all that over and over.

Having a consistent record can make it more productive --- because knowing what has happened before is a huge asset in figuring out what might work or happen in the future. HealthVault can help in a lot of ways, from basic records management to social-enabled sharing with tools like the American Cancer Society’s Circle of Sharing app.

Another way --- that I’m really excited about --- is by helping collect, manage and share full-fidelity medical images. Since last year we’ve had support for storing imagery in HealthVault (thank you Azure for making it cost-effective!), and since then more and more great tools have come online:

  • Mobile viewers for Windows Phone, and super-soon on Android! (here and here)
  • Super-simple PACS integration via Candelis ASTRA+
  • AWESOME new web-based viewing and provider sharing via MediCle

MediCle is our most recent add in medical imaging, and I’ve been super-impressed with the service so far. They sync your HV images directly into the cloud and provide a rich, online-only browsing experience; here is a zoom and contrast adjust on my semi-famous bone chip I talked about last year:

So pretty cool, and a great way to get a second or third opinion, share an ultrasound with Grandma-to-be, or even export the studies to formats like PDF or TIFF. Woo hoo!

But here’s the really cool bit: Just last week, the folks at MediCle announced that they will provide their service FREE to cancer patients. So paired with HealthVault, these folks can have a complete, full-fidelity history of their progress and trends, easily sharable over the web thanks to MediCle. Just click on the button below to get started:

Once again, I get to tout great work that really helps people --- I love this job!