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Online Safety and Security – Resources and Reminders

Online safety and protection from Internet fraud continue to be top concerns worldwide as individuals face new challenges in a “Web 2.0” world. To address these concerns, we’ve produced a new set of online safety materials and revamped our online safety Web site -- all updated for Web 2.0.  

Today’s exciting new opportunities in the online world also bring concerns about issues like securing online information, communicating through social networks, and reducing the risks of cyberbullying to children. Our new “Smarter Online = Safer Online” series of brochures addresses each of these concerns and more. We’ve also completed a full redesign of our Online Safety Web site at www.microsoft.com/protect . This site is designed to help parents, caregivers, and educators find the latest information including articles, comics, and other resources that address online safety.

Our top-level messages for consumer audiences—which include families, seniors, educators, governments, and NGOs, among others—are as follows:

  • The Internet is an extraordinary catalyst for innovation, education, and expanding global economic growth—but it is continuously threatened by ever more sophisticated kinds of vandalism, harassment, and outright criminality.
  • At Microsoft, our customers’ computer security, privacy and online safety are top priorities.
  • Educated consumers are the first and most effective line of defense against the inherent risks in a rapidly changing digital world. Microsoft is making progress in these areas with a three-pronged strategy that involves:
    1. Empowering consumers to take computer security, online safety, and privacy protection into their own hands by providing the education and resources they need to best protect themselves, their families and their devices.
    2. Technological innovations that incorporate security into the software development process from the ground up.
    3. Leadership and collaboration with government, industry, law enforcement, and educators to help foster a culture of online safety.
  • We believe the full promise of the Internet will best be realized in an environment of self-regulation. However, when legislation is necessary to help protect our most vulnerable citizens or secure the integrity of the Internet itself, it should take into account the rapidly changing nature of information technology and promote laws that support innovation and progress.

The “Smarter Online = Safer Online” brochure series is now available. This US–English packet — including 13 topical online safety brochures, provides Microsoft’s guidance on many computing and Internet issues facing consumers today and serves as a valuable resource for consumers, community leaders, and policymakers. The brochures can be used as standalone pieces or in their entirety to engage with interested parties. Please visit https://www.microsoft.com/protect/ to download this and other content. For your convenience, we have provided files in formats that can be easily modified to suit specific locations or languages.

clip_image003Check out our newly redesigned Online Safety Web site. This site replaces the Security for Home Users site, and is designed for families, new users, educators and non-government organizations to find the latest information on a number of online safety topics. New features on the site include:

Resources section – including safety brochures and event planning guides

Community section – featuring online forums and top safety bloggers

Educational comics – covering topics such as cyber-bullying and privacy

Videos – safety PSA and other educational materials


We have a collection of new issue summaries for our Government audiences with regards to online safety education legislation.

Mandatory Online Safety Education One Pager

Mandatory Online Safety Education Presentation

Online Safety Education Model Legislation

Teacher's Guide to Online Safety Education One Pager

Teacher's Guide to Online Safety Education Presentation


The YouTube channel hosts MSFT Online Safety Public Service Announcements (PSAs) – Please note we will be adding our other languages to the channel very soon!

Finally, for folks located on the Seattle Eastside, if your civic group, school, or business has a group of 15 or more, and are interested in hosting an Online Safety event, please contact me for more information. I regularly present our Online Safety and Security messaging as part of our Microsoft Official Security Team, and am a also an i-SAFE certified presenter.

Remember, Online Safety starts with You!