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Managing Office 365 for education using PowerShell

PowerShell is cool – at least I think it is! We’ve been talking about using PowerShell to manage Live@edu since the early days of Exchange Labs, and several times since.

As more and more customers complete the upgrade from Live@edu to Office 365 for education I thought it would be a good time to talk about managing Office 365 for education with PowerShell.

Install the Office 365 cmdlets

To begin using the Office 365 cmdlets, you first need to install them. The requirements for installing the Office 365 cmdlets are as follows:

To install the cmdlets, perform the following steps:

  1. Download one of the following from the Microsoft Download Center:

  2. To install the cmdlets, double-click the AdministrationConfig.msi file.

    The installer adds the program to your Start menu and a shortcut to your desktop.

Connect Windows PowerShell to the service

Click the Microsoft Online Services Module shortcut to open a Windows PowerShell workspace that has the cmdlets. Alternatively, you can load the Office 365 cmdlets manually by typing import-module MSOnline at the Windows PowerShell command prompt.

For more information about cmdlets, you can do the following:

  • Get a list of cmdlets by typing the following at the command prompt: get-command -module MSOnline
  • View the Help file for a cmdlet by typing the following at the command prompt:get-help <cmdlet-name> -detailed

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