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IT Academy: Office 365 Education Training & Certification

The upgrade process from Live@edu to Office 365 Education has begun, and if your organisation has an IT Academy subscription then you have access to the Office 365 training material and the ability to gain a Microsoft certification!

Through using the IT Academy, your institution’s IT staff can be completely proficient in Office 365; meaning they can deploy faster and reduce any issues that may arise when migrating users to the new environment. From a Network Manager’s point of view training is offered at academic prices, suggesting the woes of a training budget are minimised.

This means that you can use IT Academy to support your institution’s adoption and implementation of Office 365; permitting the full promotion of features and benefits to all staff and students, allowing learning objectives to be enhanced.

For instance, you have all of these resources available with the IT Academy on Office 365:


To learn more about IT Academy Certifications and indeed how the MOS 365 Certifications can help with your Office 365 Education deployment and training please email educationuk@microsoft.com to register for our FREE Certification Roadmap Webinar Tuesday 19th March 12-1pm.