다음을 통해 공유

Announcing the 2013 Microsoft Dynamics WPC Partner Awards

Very big congratulations today to all of our exceptional Microsoft Dynamics WPC 2013 award winners and finalists! Your commitment and dedication to Microsoft and the Microsoft Dynamics technologies is unmatched, and we appreciate your strong efforts throughout FY13.

For a complete list of all Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference Awards 2013 winners and more information on our winning partners go to Digital WPC and the Microsoft News Center.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Winner: PowerObjects
Finalist: CRM Partners
Finalist: Customer Effective
Finalist: Navantis

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Winner: eBECS
Finalist: GMCS
Finalist: Hitachi Solutions America Ltd.
Finalist: Tribridge

Microsoft Dynamics Cloud

Winner: eSavvy
Finalist: SMB Suite
Finalist: Tribridge

Microsoft Dynamics Industry

Winner: mcaConnect
Finalist: V.R.P. Veri Raporlama Programlama Bilisim Yazilim ve Danismanlik Hizmetleri Ticaret A.S.
Finalist: INFOMA Software Consulting GmbH
Finalist: HSO International

Once again congrats to all and enjoy your WPC 2013 experience in Houston, TX next month!
