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Management Reporter 2012 RU5 - New Features

Sivakumar Venkataraman - Click for blog homepageManagement Reporter RU5 brings a variety of new features to Management Reporter users, along with support for two additional countries. 

If you want to download the RU5 for Management Reporter 2012, click on the link below.


Key features in Management Reporter RU5 include:

  • Collapse detailed report into summary view – Any report displayed in the Web Viewer can automatically be collapsed into a summary view; Management Reporter report designers will no longer need to create both a detailed and summary view of the same report
  • Default Report Link Location – when storing reports in a SharePoint site or network location, use the new default Report Link Location to easily indicate where most reports should be stored by default
  • Management Reporter Web Viewer as default – the default report viewer for Management Reporter users has been changed to the Web Viewer, allowing reports to easily be viewed in the newest interactive report viewing experience. Customers can still open any report in the Management Reporter desktop viewer.
  • Report Designer available in Dynamics AX menus – Launch Management Reporter Report Designer from with Dynamics AX General Ledger and Budgeting
  • Storage of transaction detail reworked – Transaction detail for each report is stored with the data mart database, and no longer duplicated in the Management Reporter database. This means the size of transaction-level reports is significantly smaller and the Management Reporter database will not increase in size as additional reports are generated and stored
  • Drill down to Dynamics GP DDM from within desktop viewer – customers using the Dynamics GP data mart integration can now drill down from any report generated to at least the account level. They can drill back from the desktop viewer to the Dynamics GP Detail Inquiry, Historical Detail Inquiry and Budget Transaction Inquiry windows
  • Improved performance in Dynamics SL -- Performance improvements in Dynamics SL data mart integrations
  • Language support for Brazil -- customers will now be able to use Management Reporter in Brazilian Portuguese
  • Language support for Japan – customers will now be able to use Management Reporter in Japanese
  • Improved quality – as we’ve done in all rollups, we also have fixed a variety of customer reported issues, including addressing issues involving SQL collation conflicts and data art data integrity

Over the next few days, we’ll be posting blogs and videos to help you better understand the benefits of these new Management Reporter features.

Keep watching for more of these articles coming up in the next few days!

I hope this helps.

Until next post!