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UR7, R4 and other confusing terms

It’s not always clear that Dynamics CRM Online Dynamics CRM 4.0.  CRM 4.0 specifically refers to the On-Premise version of the software that a customer would house in their own data center.  CRM Online specifically refers to the cloud-based service hosted by Microsoft.

This confusion comes to a head when we release updates.  The table below may help.

We’re on a regular release cycle now for updates to the On-Premise software (“4.0”).  You’ll see updates called “Update Rollup x” about every 6-8 weeks.  Some folks refer to them as “UR7” and the like.  CRM Online customers should not try to apply any Update Rollup installations to their CRM for Outlook client.

You may have also heard the term “R4” with respect to CRM Online.  That is the internal jargon we use when referring to the November 2009 Service Update that went live yesterday.  CRM Online administrators and users will be automatically notified when updates are ready for installation.  CRM Online customers should wait until their CRM Online service in the Microsoft data center has been upgraded before attempting to upgrade the client.  We are rolling out the upgrades over the next week or so.

If you are anxious, you can click Start > Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 > Update, to check for updates manually.




client & server


Nov 2009 Service Update (“R4”)


Cloud update and new client bits.  Must wait for your service to be upgraded to R4 before installing new client bits.  Should be able to execute automatic update.


client & server



client & server



client & server


March 2009 Service Update (“R3”)


Cloud update and new client bits.