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Top questions we helped customers with at Convergence 2013

The Corporate Performance Management team is back from Convergence and had a great time talking to many customers and partners. During Convergence we answered many of the same questions over and over. Here are the top questions we helped customers with and how you can find additional information on them. 


Question: Do I own Management Reporter?

Answer: Visit the How can you get Management Reporter blog to find out how you can learn if you have Management Reporter and where to find the registration keys.


Question: Users only have access to specific departments in my organization. How can I set this up in Management Reporter?

Answer: The Creating secure report links blog shows you how to set up security in the reporting tree.


Question: I need to email my reports to my users, how can I do this?

Answer: This E-mail report using SharePoint alerts blog shows how to set up SharePoint alerts for email functionality.


Question: How do I distribute my reports to users using SharePoint? What if we don’t want to use SharePoint?

Answer: This Creating secure report links blog not only shows you how to make the reports secure, it also shows you how to distribute to both SharePoint and a network location.


Question: We consolidate multiple companies with the same chart of accounts? I also need to report in multiple currencies. How can I do this with Management Reporter?

Answer: Visit the Consolidations and Currency Translation in Management Reporter blog to receive assistance on these scenarios as well as others.